

National Lung Cancer Roundtable “Screening Summit” (July 2022)

Dr. Williams presented the keynote speech (here) “Closing Gaps in Lung Cancer Screening” and shared the recent screening recommendations from the President’s Cancer Panel. The NLCRT (here) is the leading organization promoting low dose CT scan sreening for lung cancer.

Radiology Health Equity Coalition (June 2022)

The RHEC organization (here) concluded a webinar series focused on expanding quality radiology services to those that are underserved. Dr. Williams presented a talk (here) on “Addressing Radiology Health Inequities: Federal, Institutional & Local Opportunities”

National Cancer Institute Joint Meeting Presentation  (June 2022)

Dr Williams presented (here) the President’s Cancer Panel’s recent report to the President of the Untited States, “Closing Gaps in Cancer Screening” to the leadership of the NCI at the Joint Meeting of the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) and the Board of Scientific Advisors (BSA).

Commission on Cancer “Cancer Liaison Physicans Meeting” (April 2022)

The CoC accredits local and regional cancer programs and is critical in assuring quality cancer care for the United States. Dr. Williams presented (here) the findings of the President’s Cancer Panel report on cancer screening to this semi-annual meeting of the nation’s 1500 cancer liaison physicians to help implement the report’s recommendations in local communities.

ASCO Post Article (March 2022)

The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s ASCO Post quoted Dr Williams in their article “President’s Cancer Panel Report: Closing Gaps in Cancer Screening for All Americans” (here).

Politico Article (February 2022)

Dr. Williams was interviewed (here) for Politico’s article “Biden’s relaunched cancer moonshot needs funding for liftoff” about the White House’s just released Cancer Moonshot.

National Cancer Institute Article (Februrary 2022)

The NCI’s “Cancer Currents’ blog quoted Dr. Williams in their article “President’s Cancer Panel Report: Closing Gaps in Cancer Screening for All Americans” (here). The President’s Cancer Panel is housed at the NCI and benefits from the incredible adminstrative support of its expert staff.

President’s Cancer Panel’s 2022 report to President Biden released (February 2022)

The President’s Cancer Panel released it’s report to the President of the United States on “Closing Gaps in Cancer Screening” (here) on February 2, 2022. This report was incorporated into the White House’s “Cancer Moonshot” initiative (here), both were released together on the same day. This report outlines actionable recommendations to improve cancer screening and how to include more citizens to benefit from early detection and prevention of cancer. Dr Williams is chairman of the President’s Cancer Panel (here).


National Lung Cancer Roundtable Annual Meeting (December 2021)

Dr. Williams presented “Update on Cancer Screening – A President’s Cancer Panel Perspective” at the annual meeting as a keynote panel participant. A video of Dr Williams’ presentation on Population Health is (here). The National Lung Cancer Roundtable (here) is a nationwide coalition of over 160 professional and national societies, cancer centers, government agencies, research groups, advocacy and policy organizations, and corporate associates convenes to work together on our shared goal to create lung cancer survivors.

Breast Cancer Fundraiser: Girls Gone Rx (November 2021)

Dr. Williams spoke in support of a women’s crossfit competition which was part of the national fundraising outreach by Girls Gone Rx (here). The event was held by Vint Hill Crossfit (here) in Warrenton, Virginia

The Hill editorial  (October 2021)

Dr. Williams’ opinion article (here) in “The Hill” publication titled “Pandemic lessons learned must include prioritizing safe and equitable access to cancer screenings” was published online. This editorial was part of his work with the President’s Cancer Panel.

American College of Radiology: Board of Chancellors Annual Retreat  (October 2021)

Dr. Williams updated the leadership of the American College of Radiology (here) about the President’s Cancer Panel work on cancer screening and shared thoughts in a keynote presentation about opportunities to strengthen “Population Health” priorities within the ACR national organization.

Am. Cancer Soc. National Consortium for Cancer Screening – Issue Hub #1 (June 2021)

Dr. Williams participated as an expert panelist (video here) for this Issue Hub focused on “Accelerating What Works in Screening”. The American Cancer Soceity National Consortium for Cancer Screening and Care (here) is an issue-focused, time-bound partnership dedicated to the acceleration of a national response to the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to its detrimental impact on our collective progress in cancer screening and care.

Michael E Debakey International Surgical Society Bi-Annual Meeting (May 2021)

Dr. Williams participated in the video tribute (here – begins at 17:30 minutes) in honor of Dr. Charles McCollum who recieved the Debakey Surgical Award. This is a singular honor bestowed only on the world’s most outstanding surgeons for their significant contributions to surgery by the Michael E DeBakey International Surgical Society (here).

President’s Cancer Panel “Innovations to Increase Screening” public meeting (February 2021)

The President’s Cancer Panel held a public meeting (video here) about “Innovation Opprotunities” with leading national stakeholders to discuss opportunities for improving and innovating cancer screening after the disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic. This meeting was part of the President’s Cancer Panel effort to develop its annual report to the President of the United States. Dr. Williams chaired the day long meeting.


National Cancer Institute Joint Meeting Presentation – Dr Williams (December 2020)

Dr Williams presents (video here) an update regarding the President’s Cancer Panel to the leadership of the NCI at the Joint Meeting of the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) and the Board of Scientific Advisors (BSA).

President’s Cancer Panel “Innovating Cancer Screening” public meetings (Oct & Nov 2020)

The President’s Cancer Panel held four public meetings with leading national stakeholders to discuss opportunities for improving and innovating cancer screening after the disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Innovating Breast Cancer Screening Public Meeting: agenda & video (here)

Innovating Colorectal Cancer Screening Public Meeting: agenda & video (here)

Innovating Cervical Cancer Screening Public Meeting: agenda & video (here)

Innovating Lung Cancer Screening Public Meeting: agenda & video (here)

Trademark approved by the USPTO  (November 2020)

Trademark approved by the United States Patent and Trade Office for the Breast Cancer School for Patients. This registered mark protects its purpose which is to educate everyone about the details of how to obtain the best quality breast cancer care in their own community.

First Video Released: President’s Cancer Panel History & Mission (October 2020)

As chairman, Dr Williams explains the history behind the President’s Cancer Panel and its role in reducing the burdeon of cancer in our nation. This is the first video (here) ever created to represent this panel’s work at the NCI and the White House.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Dr Williams (October 2020)

What Breast Cancer Awareness (video here) means to a Breast Cancer Surgeon. How to help others and yourself.

WireBuzz CEO talks about Meeting Dr Williams (August 2020)

Todd Hartley of WireBuzz (here) shares an inspirational story (video here) about meeting Dr Williams and helping him create the Breast Cancer School for Patients. He discusses the rewards of pushing your “comfort zone” in order to touch others in your life.

Washington Times (May 2020)

Dr Williams was interviewed and quoted by the Washington Times for their article (here) on “Cancer Screenings dramatically declined due to COVID-19” by Shen Wu Tan.

Women’s Business Council (May 2020)

Dr Williams spoke about “Women’s Health and Lessons from a Surgeon” to the Fauquier  Chamber of Commerce’s Women’s Business Council. (here)

Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'WOMEN'S BUSINESS COUNCIL THE FAUQUIER CHAMBER Proud to present... Dr. John Williams'

President’s Cancer Panel (April 2020)

Dr Williams was appointed in July 2019 by the President of the United States to chair the President’s Cancer Panel (here). His position was formalized in April 2020. This presidential commission monitors the National Cancer Program and reports to the president on barriers to progress in reducing the burden of cancer. The panel is housed at the National Cancer Institute (here).

National Academy of Sciences (March 2020)

“Advancing Progress in the Development and Implementation of Effective, High-Quality Cancer Screening: A Workshop” (here) Attended this policy discussion at the National Cancer Policy Forum meeting at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC. Dr Williams participated with others from the President’s Cancer Panel.

Posh Seven Magazine (March 2020)

POSH SEVEN Magazine (here) is the Northern Virginia’s only lifestyle magazine designed exclusively for women. This article (here) highlights the suspension of “screening” mammograms nationally.


Joint Meeting National Cancer Advisory Board & Board of Scientific Advisors: National Cancer Institute (December 2019)

Dr Williams attended this semi-annual “Joint Meeting” as a non-voting member of the President’s Cancer Panel. These boards provide input and advice as to the allocations of federal research funding for the National Cancer Institute.  This meeting is open to the public and a videocast is available (here).

The Cancer Letter (December 2019)

The Cancer Letter is a leading health policy newsletter focusing on cancer. This post (here) announces Dr. Williams’ appointment to be chairman of the President’s Cancer Panel.

Northern Virginia Magazine (October 2019)

Feature article (here) outlining Dr. Williams’ work creating the Breast Cancer School for Patients and his appointment to be chairman of the President’s Cancer Panel at the National Institute of Health.

Haymarket Lifestyle Magazine (October 2019)

Cover article (here) about Dr. Williams’ work to improve breast cancer care in Virginia and his work nationally to educate everyone about how to obtain better cancer care in their own community.

“Cherry Blossom Foundation 5K Run Walk” (October 2019)

Keynote Speech for annual breast cancer fundraising event.

Middleburg, Virginia

Male Breast Cancer Handbook – (Dr Williams Co-editor)

The first book to guide men diagnosed with breast cancer was written by leading advocate Judy Kneese. It is a breakthrough resource for men (here), who are often forgotten in their fight with breast cancer.

Best Non-Profit Website 2019

The Breast Cancer School for Patients and WireBuzz Media were awarded “Best Non-Profit Website” at the Arizona Innovation Marketing Association (AZIMA) annual “TIM Awards” gala in Phoenix, Arizona.

The WireBuzz Media Team in Scottsdale.

TEDx Tysons Talk by Dr Williams

Dr Williams presented a 3 minute talk about “Why Online Schools for Patients will Revolutionize Patient Education” (video here)

Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation “Champion Award”

Dr Williams was presented this award given annually by the largest Northern Virginia breast cancer non-profit, which supports quality care and funds improved access to care for everyone in the region. Presentation speech by founder, James Atkins. (text here)


Dr Williams interviews Kevin Hughes, MD of Harvard and Massachucetts General Hospital

Dr Hughes is the leading physician advocate for genetic testing. His team at Harvard teamed with MIT to create a website to help everyone. – New Online tool (video here) for BRCA & Genetic mutation carriers.

Oncology Issues Journal Article (April-May 2019)

“The Breast Cancer School for Patients – Improving Outcomes with Video Education” by Dr John Williams (here)

Dr Williams interviews Kevin Hughes, MD of Harvard and Massachucetts General Hospital

This Breast Cancer School for Patients interview reviews the importance of genetic testing for breast cancer and all other cancer causing mutations. Learn from the worlds leading expert. (video here)

WireBuzz Media Podcast

Podcast Discussing the Creation of the Breast Cancer School for Patients

CEO Todd Hartley and his WireBuzz team discuss (podcast link) the creation and success of creating a video-based educational platform for patients. They feature “best practices” in video content, video length and social media advertising campaigns. (They discuss Dr Williams work at minute 37:15 of the podcast)


October 2018 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)

Nationwide TV News Station Interviews (The Breast Cancer School for Patients)

12 interviews with ABC, NBC, CBS and  FOX affiliates in cities including Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, Baltimore, Memphis, Salt Lake City, Jacksonville, Austin, Tucson and Columbus, OH.

Milwaukee ABC interview (here)

October 2018 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)

Feature article (here) in US News & World Reports“6 Big Questions to Ask When You are Diagnosed with Breast Cancer” by Elaine Howley. The Breast Cancer School for Patients is highlighted and Dr. Williams shares advice about how to get the best cancer care in your owo community.

October 2018 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)

News Radio Website (here) highlights the US News & World Reports article. WTOP is the leading news radio station in the Washington, DC region.

October 2018 (Breast Cancer Awareness Month)

Feature article (here) discusses the creation of the Breast Cancer School for Patients. The Prince William Times and Fauquier Times is a news organization in Northern Virginia

September 2018

Blog post (here) in the Bed Beat section of the Roanoke Times.

June 2018

Podcast interview (here) of Dr John Williams about the creation of the Breast Cancer School for Patients and the power of video in sharing information and ideas. WireBuzz is the leading video production company in the space of breast cancer. Their specialty is creative, innovative video marketing strategy and content production. Todd Hartley, CEO of WireBuzz, has been instrumental in the creation and success of the Breast Cancer School for Patients. (Dr Williams’ interview with Mr. Hartley begins at minute 35:00 of the podcast.

June 2018

Article (here) about the Breast Cancer School for Patients. Yahoo Finance is one of the largest online business websites.

June 2018

Feature (here) regarding the Breast Cancer School for Patients on Market Watch. Market Watch is an affiliate of the Wall Street Journal.

June 2018

Press Release (here) about the Breast Cancer School for Patients was featured on Cision’s PR Newswire platform. Cision is a leading global provider of earned media software and services to public relations and marketing communications professionals.

June 2018

Breast Cancer School for Patients was featured (here) on ABC News affiliate platform, “Crossroads Today.” Crossroads Today is an online news site for the central region of Texas.

June 2018

Breast Cancer School for Patients videos will be highlighted on SHARE’s social media platforms (Facebook page). SHARE Cancer Support is a leading organization supporting those with breast and ovarian cancer.

May 2018

Feature article (here) in Fierce Healthcare, a healthcare industry news organization for executives and healthcare policy.

May 2018

Featured in Let Life Happen, a leading breast cancer blog by Barbara Jacoby.


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