We teach you about the surgical options available for treating breast cancer. There are distinct advantages and disadvantages with lumpectomy and mastectomy surgeries. The more you know, the better decisions you will make.
CourseBreast Cancer Surgery
Breast Cancer Surgery Course
Our 24 breast surgery video lessons (below) will teach you what to discuss with your breast surgeon. Learn everything about your breast cancer, breast cancer surgery and cutting-edge treatment options.
We teach you about oncoplastic surgical techniques. The goal is to achieve better cancer and cosmetic outcomes in those that require a lumpectomy for breast cancer.
We teach you why lymph nodes are important in breast cancer treatment. A sentinel node biopsy is the most common surgery performed to assess if cancer has spread to the axillary lymph nodes.
We teach you about bilateral or “double mastectomies.” You will learn about the advantages, disadvantages, and controversy of this approach to reducing your future risk for a new breast cancer.
We teach you about mastectomy reconstruction options. While treating your cancer comes first, a multidisciplinary team approach results in better cosmetic and cancer outcomes.
We teach you about Breast MRIs for newly diagnosed women. We also help you identify if you would benefit from annual screening MRIs in addition to annual mammograms if you are at high risk for breast cancer.
We teach you how a simple ultrasound of your axillary lymph nodes can tell you more about your breast cancer and expand your treatment options.
We teach how to identify if you are at risk for the BRCA genetic mutation. If you carry this “breast cancer gene mutation” you are at an increased risk for breast and other certain types of cancer.
We teach you why it is important to get copies of your pathology reports and how to understand the information they contain about your breast cancer.
We teach you to about breast cancer tumor receptors and why they are important in your breast cancer treatment. Chemotherapy and hormonal therapy are based on your receptor pattern.